Track General Event

This function logs an event with a specified name and optional parameters. It is used to track user actions or other significant occurrences within an application.

Method Signature:

+ (void)trackEvent:(NSString *)eventName andWithParam:(NSDictionary *)paramDict;


  • eventName (NSString *): The name of the event to be tracked.

  • paramDict (NSDictionary *, optional): A dictionary containing key-value pairs of additional data to be logged with the event.

Example Usage:

// Without parameters
[YourSDKClass trackEvent:@"user_login" andWithParam:nil];

// With parameters
NSDictionary *params = @{@"method": @"email", @"user_status": @"active"};
[YourSDKClass trackEvent:@"user_login" andWithParam:params];

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