Track Purchase Event

Track Purchase Event

This function logs a purchase event with the specified order ID, purchase amount, currency, and optional additional parameters. It is used to track purchase transactions within an application.

Method Signature:

fun trackPurchaseEvent(orderId: String?, purchaseAmount: Double, currency: String?, parameters: Bundle? = null)


  • orderId (String?): The unique identifier for the order. This parameter is optional and can be null.

  • purchaseAmount (Double): The total amount of the purchase.

  • currency (String?): The currency of the purchase amount. This parameter is optional and can be null.

  • parameters (Bundle?, optional): A Bundle containing key-value pairs of additional data to be logged with the purchase event. This parameter is optional and can be null.

Example Usage:

// Without parameters
trackPurchaseEvent("12345", 99.99, "USD")

// With parameters
val params = Bundle().apply {
    putString("payment_method", "credit_card")
    putString("customer_type", "new")
trackPurchaseEvent("12345", 99.99, "USD", params)

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